Izma received a Headteacher Award this week for working hard on her independent activities. Izma used her sounds to write sentences about things she likes. Well done, Izma!
April received a Headteacher Award this week for her fantastic writing in Literacy. April has been working hard to use her phonics knowledge and ‘Fred Fingers’ to independently write sentences about her weekend. Great Job, April!
Ayush has shown great work in maths. He is always ready to take on a challenge and try his best. During maths lessons Ayush has shown great understanding when working systematically to find different ways of making a pound. Well done, Ayush, keep it up!
Olivia received a Headteacher Award for her superb writing in phonics. Olivia used lots of incredible wow words when writing a newspaper report about a naughty dog who saved the day. Well done, Olivia!
Danny and Rehan received Headteacher Awards for doing some brilliant independent work on symmetry in Maths this week. Brilliant work, boys!