REAch2 Academy Trust determines Concordia Academy’s admission arrangements in agreement with the Havering Council Admission Authority (LA). Concordia Academy is part of the Local Authority’s coordinated admissions scheme. Details of how to apply for a place at the academy are available at: Havering eAdmissions

If you have any questions or queries on the admissions process, then please contact Havering Council on 01708 434600. Alternatively, you can email them on: [email protected]

If you need help making your online application then please visit the Public Advice & Service Centre (PASC) based in The Liberty Centre, Romford on a Monday between 9:30am and 1pm.

Prospective parents wishing to visit the school can call the school office on 01708 932710 to make an appointment.

In-Year Admissions 

Parents wishing to make an in-year school application should follow the Havering in-year admission process. Application details and link to the online form can be found here: Havering In-Year Admissions

Admissions Policy

If you would like further information, then please click on the link below :

Concordia Academy - Academy Page