'There should be no discrimination against languages people speak, skin colour, or religion.' - Malala Yousafzai

At Concordia, we believe that RE is an important curriculum subject. Our enriching curriculum helps our children throughout all the key stages to develop their spiritual, moral, social, and cultural compass in our local community and the wider world, bringing a deep sense of community cohesion. Our curriculum provides a space for learning about people, cultures, and faiths. Most importantly, it helps them embrace, tolerate, understand and appreciate others’ beliefs and values.

Our adapted scheme of work allows our children to open their minds and leads to a deeper understanding and greater awareness of the world and global challenges. More importantly, it is open and objective; it does not seek to impose religious beliefs on young people nor compromise the integrity of their own religious position when looking at other different traditions. It endeavours to promote a positive attitude towards people, respecting their right to hold different beliefs from their own.

RE Curriculum Overview

RE Progression Map

RE is taught weekly, and where possible, units are linked to key dates (e.g., Christmas units) and religious festivals (e.g., Diwali). This provides opportunities to celebrate festivals and religions with greater relevance and consistency. Our children are encouraged to describe, explain and analyse beliefs and practices, recognising the diversity which exists within and between communities and amongst individuals. Students are able to find out and investigate key concepts and questions of belonging, meaning, purpose, and truth. They can enquire into what enables different individuals and communities to live together respectfully. RE allows them to articulate beliefs, values (along with British Values), and commitments clearly in order to explain why they may be important in not only their own lives but other people’s lives too.

All year groups visit places of worship, and whenever possible have visitors from different faiths who host talks and workshops with the children. As a school, we also feel it is essential to recognise and celebrate its range of religions and cultures through assemblies and multicultural events such as International Evening and Christmas Carols from Around the World which included performances from our children in the language of Romanian and Spanish.

Parents and carers can choose to withdraw their child from religious education (RE) lessons. If you wish to do so, then please email the school at [email protected]. A member of staff will get in touch with you to discuss our RE curriculum with you so you can make an informed decision.

The Christmas Nativity presented by Concordia Academy Productions The Christmas Nativity presented by Concordia Academy Productions