‘The answer is only the beginning.’ - Chinese Proverb
Mathematics is not about number, equations, computations or algorithms: it is about understanding. Our aim is to develop this so children leave Concordia with a deep understanding of the concepts of mathematics which will prepare them for future onward learning.
At Concordia, we believe that the mathematics curriculum should teach the children to be curious and competent mathematicians, equipped not only to pass a test through factual and procedural fluency, but also to reason mathematically and to solve problems by applying their mathematics. We aim not just to teach children how to recall times table facts and complete long division calculations, but to enable them to follow a line of enquiry, make connections, note relationships and generalisations, and justify their thinking using accurate mathematical language.

By the time they leave Concordia Academy, pupils will have a secure foundation in mathematics which will equip them for secondary school and beyond, as well as a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject which we hope will stay with them.
From Reception to Year 6, teachers follow the White Rose Maths scheme of learning, a mastery-focused approach which breaks down the objectives from the National Curriculum into small steps which give pupils a deep foundational understanding of each new concept. This enables them to retain new concepts more effectively, builds their confidence, and helps them to develop reasoning and problem-solving skills that they will be able to use across the curriculum and beyond school as well.
Please download the documents below for further information on our Maths curriculum.
In KS1, teachers also follow the NCETM Mastering Number programme, which focuses on the key knowledge and understanding pupils need in the earliest stages of their mathematics education, and ensures that pupils develop fluency and flexibility when working with number. This approach will give pupils an excellent foundation for developing knowledge and confidence in mathematics. Mastering Number has been developed by the NCETM and is already being used in many schools across the country with huge successes. More information about the scheme can be found here.