‘The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity.’ - Carl Jung
At Concordia Academy, we prioritise our youngest children and ensure that their holistic development is at the root of everything we do.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum which is firmly rooted in play and covers three prime areas:
1. Personal, Social and Emotional Development
2. Physical Development
3. Communication and Language
These areas are strengthened and applied through four specific areas:
4. Understanding the World
5. Literacy
6. Mathematics
7. Expressive Arts and Design
Alongside the areas of learning, we make observations of the children’s ‘Characteristics of Learning’, these tell us how they learn and enable us to plan activities to suit them. The characteristics are:
• Playing and Exploring
• Active Learning
• Creating and Thinking Critically
We recognise that children learn at different rates and have different interests. We consider this when we plan and when we talk to you. We want your child to enjoy learning and to have the confidence to see themselves as a successful learner.
Assessment plays an important part in helping parents, carers and staff to recognise children’s progress, understand needs, and to plan activities and support. Staff will observe children to understand their level of achievement, interests and learning styles, and then shape learning experiences for each child.
In school, we use a system called Tapestry which creates an electronic profile. You will be asked to provide an email address at the start of the year, which will enable us to share photos and observations about what your child has been learning in Reception. Parents and carers are invited to contribute to this process through daily contact, access to children’s learning profiles, invitations to events, parent meetings and an end of year report.
A curriculum letter will be sent home each half term to inform you of the themes being covered, special events such as trips and learning targets. Staff are also always available at the end of every day for any questions that you may have.
We share your desire to make your child’s time with us a happy and successful learning experience, and greatly value parental involvement in all aspects of children’s learning.
To see the overview of topics and progression across the year, please click on the link below: