Year 1 Trip – Natural History Museum 08.05.18

Natural history Museum . 08.05.18 On Tuesday Sunflower Class went to the Natural History Museum to take part in a Stegosaurus workshop. We took the train all the way from Hornchurch Station into the city and everyone was well behaved on our long journey. At the museum we got to complete a Stegosaurus puzzle then … Read More

School Closure Dates

School closure dates                                   As you know, we are expecting handover of our new permanent site on Tuesday 17 July. Once we have possession of the new building, there will be a huge amount of preparation required to get the new building ready to open for the children when the new academic year starts in September. … Read More

Marie Curie – The Great Daffodil Appeal

Go Yellow – Marie Curie 16 March 2018 Thank you to parents for sending your children to school  in an item of yellow clothing, along with donations for this worthy cause. Marie Curie Charity provides care and support to people with terminal illnesses and their families, and the money we raise will go towards supporting … Read More