'The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.' – Dr Seuss
Our mission is to teach every child to read - and to keep them reading, with no exceptions.

We use the Read Write Inc. programme to teach children to read because this enables them to read accurately, fluently and with good comprehension. RWI is a complete phonics programme with high quality training, assessment, intervention and resources (including decodable books). In Reception and Y1, we train all new members of staff in the RWI approach and provide ongoing training and support for existing teachers through practice sessions and coaching. We carry out intervention to support pupils to ‘keep up’ with the programme. Children’s early independent reading is exclusively reading the RWI fully decodable books, ensuring that children are only asked to read books with sounds that they know.
The document below is also a useful reference guide, detailing how we teach children to read.
Reading at home is critical to your child making good progress. Children that read more often, and more widely, make the fastest progress in their reading and comprehension. We hold regular phonics and home reading workshops throughout the year which guide parents in effectively supporting children with their reading at home. Below, you can find out about some of the top tips for reading with your child at home.