We believe that every child can make progress and achieve and that it is our job to make sure that this happens. We ensure that teaching and learning meets the needs of all of our students.
At Concordia Academy, we ensure that appropriate provision is made for all children and this includes ensuring that the needs of students with special educational needs are met. We are an inclusive school with a strong belief that, with the right support, all children can reach their potential. Our SENDCo is Ms Mills. If you need to get in touch with her then please email your query to [email protected]. Ensure you include SEND in the title of the email.

We believe that early identification of any barriers to learning will allow us to provide appropriate and effective support, which in turn will enable children to access learning and thrive at school.
We use a variety of assessments to identify the additional needs of our pupils including making baseline assessments, utilising formal and informal assessments, sourcing specialist support from the local authority and using assessment tools such as Speech Link and ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant).
Adapted teaching strategies and small group interventions are used where necessary so that children can make accelerated progress. We also have emotional wellbeing support interventions that are delieverd by a trained ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant). In addition, the school also receives support from a range of external professionals, depending upon the nature of the child's special education need and/or disability.
Our inclusion team is made up of a SENDCo, Assistant SENDCo, Family Support and Inclusion Officer, a school ELSA, specialist SEND teaching assistants and a trained speech and language teaching assistant. As a team, we understand that children’s learning journeys may be different but we are committed to ensuring that every child receives the highest standard of education and reaches their full potential.
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) is Ms Mills who can be contacted via our Contact Us page. Ms Mills coordinates the provision for children with SEND across the school.
Parents/carers are welcome to get in touch with Ms Mills via our Contact Us page. You are also welcome to speak with your child’s class teacher or year leader who will liaise with Ms Mills.
We aim to teach all children inclusively with quality first teaching, and where necessary use adapted teaching, small intervention groups, break out spaces and 1:1 support. We recognise that each child has an individual learning journey and support each child in making progress from a range of starting points. We have a number of support staff with specialist knowledge and skills in SEND who work with children across all key stages.
The school building and outside areas are fully accessible for wheelchair users. We have accessible classrooms and toilets on all floors, and a lift which can be used by children where necessary. For visitors, we have a ramp up to the main school entrance. If any specialist equipment is required for a pupil, we will consult with Havering agencies such as Occupational Health and Physiotherapy.
Each child identified as having an additional need will have a Pupil Passport/Individual Learning Plan, drawn up by the class teacher and to which parents are invited to contribute. These are reviewed termly. We also hold inclusion coffee mornings regularly and invite outside specialists to attend, such as educational psychologists and the school nurse. We actively encourage parents/carers to discuss their children’s progress with us and to let us know if they have any concerns.
We encourage positive relationships with parents and encourage them to please speak with their class teacher or with the SENDCo if they have any concerns.
Please read our SEND policy here for further details.
Alongside this, schools are required to publish information about their arrangements for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils with SEND. The following information outlines the support and provision pupils with SEND can expect at our school.
Please see our SEND Information Report and Accessibility Plan by clicking here. It describes the arrangements we make that are ‘additional and different‘ for students with SEND. This information has been produced together with parents, carers, and our children and young people and will be reviewed annually.
As part of the Children and Families Act 2013, Local Authorities are required to publish a ‘Local Offer’ which sets out support that is available for children and young people with SEND in the local area.
Havering’s Local Offer is available here. This informs parents how to access services in their area and what to expect from these services.