Star Of The Week in Buttercup Class is A’Shadieeyah! A’Shadieeyah has worked extremely hard this week in her writing and independently used her phonic knowledge to write about healthy eating. Keep up the fantastic effort!
Star Of The Week in Bluebell Class is Stephanie! During our literacy task, Stephanie used some excellent adjectives to describe the vegetables from our story of the week, ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’. Not only has Stephanie impressed us with her phonics and writing, she has also shown good manners in the lunch hall and is a kind and cheerful member of the class. Good job, Stephanie!
Star Of The Week in Daisy Class is Jordan! Jordan has received this award for his excellent writing and use of adjectives when describing different vegetables. Well done, Jordan!
Star Of The Week in Daffodil Class goes to Kayden! In Maths, Kayden has been participating well in class discussions and shows great reasoning skills in his answers. Kayden always tried his best and loves to be challenged. Well done, keep it up!
The Star Of The Week in Sunflower Class is Abbie! Abbie has been trying hard to use new strategies in Maths and to independently use materials to support her learning. Great job, Abbie!
Star Of The Week in Poppy Class goes to Anyla for making a great effort in Maths this week. She showed true resilience in using the compact column method by practising lots! Well done, Anyla, and we wish you luck in your new school!
Star Of The Week in Carnation Class goes to Karolina! Congratulations to Karolina for excellent effort and presentation in all subjects consistently. Karolina is always kind to her classmates, is always willing to help and is a general pleasure to teach.
Star Of The Week in Orchid Class this week is Tallyna for making outstanding progress within mathematics. Tallyna has shown dedication to her work and is keen to learn new methods in order to solve problems. As a result of this, Tallyna is now showing confidence when using the column method in order to add and subtract numbers with exchange! Amazing work, Tallyna. Keep up the hard work!