Star Of The Week in Daisy Class is Emelia! Emelia is always a superb role model to her friends – she follows instructions, is always willing to help others and complete her activities in class with lots of enthusiasm. Emelia also works incredibly hard in Phonics and is always trying her best. Well done, Emelia!
Star Of The Week in Buttercup Class is Roobiah! Roobiah is becoming more and more confident using her phonic knowledge to complete a sentence. Ms Mills and Ms Courtney are very proud of Roobiah, well done!
Star Of The Week in Bluebell Class is Karim! Karim has really impressed the kitchen staff with his impeccable manners at lunchtime. As well as being polite, Karim always tries his best and is a helpful, kind and responsible member of Reception. Congratulations, Karim!
Star Of The Week in Daffodil Class is Mandoor! Since starting at Concordia, Mandoor has shown great willingness and hard work in both Maths and Literacy. Mandoor is always trying his best to participate in class discussions. Well done, Mandoor, keep it up!
Star Of The Week in Sunflower Class is Sandra! Sandra has been working extremely hard in Maths this week. She is able to identify lots of different coins and describe their shape and colour. She has also been able to add coins together to find a total amount. Great work, Sandra!
Star Of The Week in Poppy Class is Milad for always walking into the classroom ready to learn every morning, which sets a great example for others around him. He consistently fills two whiteboard’s worth of calculations each day in Morning Maths. Well done for challenging yourself, Milad!
Star Of The Week in Carnation Class goes to Om for an excellent first week at Concordia Academy, he has come in every day with a big smile on his face. Om has settled quickly and is eager to learn in every lesson. Well done, Om!
Star Of The Week in Orchid Class is Kiara for using ambitious vocabulary within all her lessons. Kiara has been keen to up-level her vocabulary for some time now and can always be seen with her head in a dictionary. Outstanding work, Kiara!