REAch2 now has 62 primary schools and is organised into 10 clusters. You can find a complete list of the clusters on the REAch2 website. Concordia Academy is in Cluster 10.
REAch2 Governance
We have 3 layers of governance in REAch2: local governing bodies, which oversee individual schools, cluster boards who oversee each cluster and our Board of Trustees who are ultimately accountable to the Department for Education for the running of the Trust.
All our schools share the same governance structure and you can find information about the trust on the REAch2 website at The Governance page gives details of how the Trust is organised, including the Articles of Association, the Master Funding Agreement and all the documents which relate to how the Trust was founded and how it runs today. You can also find details of who our trustees are.
Our school, like most schools in the Trust, has a local governing body (LGB). There are terms of reference, which detail how the LGB should work and what its responsibilities are. On the REAch2 website, terms of reference are available for all our boards, including the Trust Board. You can also find documents, which show how all the different layers communicate and how responsibility and accountability is distributed.

Governance in our School
The LGB holds meetings during the year in which they help to support the school, its leadership and pupils, whilst challenging to make sure that every child makes as much progress as they can and should.
Our school’s LGB is made up of 4 trust-appointed members, who are volunteers from the local community, two parents, two staff and the headteacher. They can invite other members of staff in to meetings to discuss current issues.
- Assist in delivering the vision and ethos of REAch2 for the Academy;
- Ensure that the Academy achieves the aims and ambitions it has for its pupils;
- Implement and review the strategic plan for the Academy, especially plans for school improvement;
- Act as a 'critical friend' to the Academy’s Senior Leadership Team, challenging and holding leaders to account for all aspects of the Academy’s performance;
- Oversee the management of the finances of the Academy, assessing the annual budget and ensuring that the Academy works within its budget and has the right risk and financial management policies and practices;
- Support the headteacher in the development and review (from time to time) of an appropriate staffing structure for the Academy, including performance management;
- Support the Cluster and Trust Boards in their monitoring and evaluation of the delivery of central services provided by REAch2 for the Academies;
- Promote the benefits of being in a family of schools by actively seeking opportunities to work together, and develop effective links with other REAch2 academies and the wider school community;
- Ensure that the Academy meets the community’s needs in relation to the safeguarding and education of its pupils.
- Engage fully and openly with every inspection of the Academy, whether by the Trust Board, Ofsted or any other appropriate public body;
- The LGB also works alongside a cluster board where cluster-wide issues are discussed. The Cluster Board is made up of volunteers, just like an LGB, headteachers and chairs of governors.
At Concordia Academy, we welcome the involvement of and feedback from parents/carers and the local community. Governors regularly attend events at the school and are always happy to hear the views of the school community. Full details including attendance at meetings of our Governors can be found below.
For more information about governance, please refer to the governance section of the REAch2 website or contact Mr Stuart Norman, Chair of Governors, via the school office.
Our governors’ names, date of appointment, term of office, who appointed them, roles and responsibilities on the LGB and declarations of interests, attendance at meetings during the last academic year (including governors who have left in the last 12 months): Governors 2024-25
Our governors’ attendance at meetings during the last academic year: Attendance Meetings
The local governing body’s terms of reference: Terms of Reference for REAch2 LGBs
Key Links:
REAch2 Trust Governance: Governance
REAch2 Financial Statements: REAch2 Financial Statements
Concordia Academy Financial Information: Schools Financial Benchmarking Service