Star Of The Week

Star of the Week in Bluebell Class is Kaylen! Kaylen produced some fantastic writing during our literacy task this week, using his ‘Fred Fingers’ to write a get well soon card to Mr Ted. In addition to this, Kaylen has gone out of his way to share toys with his friends and comfort others when … Read More

Curriculum Corner

In Y2, we have been learning about the Buddhist tradition Losar during RE lessons. We have learned that Losar is the Tibetan festival where Buddhists celebrate New Year.  Based on this, Poppy class made their own Tibetan prayer flags. Tibetan prayer flags are very colourful and show messages of love and  kindness to share with … Read More

Headteacher Awards

This week we had three Headteacher Awards in Sunflower Class. Viaan, Inaaya and Amina have all been working very hard in phonics. They have been reading fluently, using super vocabulary in their writing and have been showing exceptional behaviour. Well done! Daniel earned a Headteacher Award for going above and beyond in Maths by completing … Read More

Star Of The Week

Star of the Week in Bluebell Class is Sophia! Sophia has been using her ‘Fred Fingers’ to spell green words independently in phonics. As well as this, Sophia is a kind and polite member of Bluebell Class who always comes into school with a smile. Keep it up, Sophia! Star of the Week in Daisy … Read More

Curriculum Corner

This week, Sunflower Class have been learning about Christianity. We have learned about the Christian belief that God created the earth over seven days. Based on this, Sunflower Class created their own versions of our world by scrunching up tissue paper to create continents and oceans. We had to be very   careful to use little … Read More