Headteacher Award

The Headteacher Award in Buttercup Class goes to Isher! Isher always arrives at school with a positive attitude, and he is always eager to learn. Additionally, Isher contributes to class discussions and has been helping his peers with their reading and writing. Keep it up! The Headteacher Award in Daisy Class goes to Oliwia! This … Read More

Star of The Week

Star of the Week in Buttercup Class is Aizah! Aizah has been working extremely hard during Phonics and is able to independently use Fred Talk to read green words. In addition, Aizah has been a kind and caring friend and has been helping her peers with their reading and writing. Keep up the fantastic effort! … Read More

Curriculum Corner

Year 4 had a carousel of activities on World Maths Day. The children were exploring a range of maths skills that are used every day. The children had the opportunity to use scales in order to weigh items and make up certain amounts using a range of objects within the classroom. They were also able … Read More

Planter Competition

Here are some of our fantastic short listers for our planter competition! Throughout the school, children designed fantastic and colourful designs for the planter in the playground, with some of our older children researching and providing reasons for the flowers chosen. Alex in Orchid Class is the overall winner as he considered how the flowers … Read More

World Maths Day

In Sunflower Class, we opened up our very own shop! The children used their prior learning from our money unit in Maths in order to calculate the value of their coins, shop for products they have enough money for and even pay the shopkeeper. Well done, Sunflower Class!