Curriculum Corner

In Reception, this half term, our topic is Under the Sea. We have been looking at sea animals and their environments. This week we have read the story ‘Commotion in the Ocean’. The story explores many different sea creatures and environments. In Literacy, we have written a book review of what we liked best about … Read More

Headteacher Awards

In Bluebell Class this week, we have not one, not two, but three Headteacher Award winners – Satara, Stephanie and Aila! Satara has settled well into school life and has formed positive relationships with her peers. Aila and Stephanie completed some impressive work on number bonds to ten. Well done to all three children! Arjun received … Read More

Star Of The Week

Star of The Week in Bluebell Class is Maame! Maame always comes into school with a bright smile on her face and loves to learn. She has produced some fabulous writing and is beginning to hear and say the initial sound in words. Excellent work, Maame! Star of The Week in Daisy Class goes to … Read More

Number Day 2021

Concordia Academy’s first Number Day has been a great success. We saw a huge number of children coming to school in brilliant Maths themed costumes. We also had children from all classes sharing challenging maths facts with their teachers. Here are some of the costumes from across the school.

Curriculum Corner

Orchid class have been learning about the religion Judaism, the beliefs of Jewish people and how they practise their religion. This week, we discussed how they believe the world was created and read the book, “The Seventh Day” by Deborah Bodin Cohen. Within the book, it explores the land and creatures and how they were made within 6 days. The … Read More