Headteacher Awards

The Headteacher Award in Buttercup Class goes to Elijah. This week Elijah has been focused during child led learning and has produced a fantastic piece of independent writing. Well done, Elijah! Antonina from Bluebell Class received a Headteacher Award this week for her positive attitude towards learning. Antonia has settled well into life at Concordia. … Read More

Star Of The Week

Star of The Week in Buttercup Class goes to Andrew. This week Andrew has been working extremely hard to communicate using full sentences. Everyone in Buttercup Class is proud of Andrew and his achievements. Well done, Andrew! Star of The Week in Daisy Class is Deetya! Deetya has had a fantastic first week in Daisy … Read More

Mathematician Of The Day

We celebrated World Maths Day on Wednesday by selecting a Mathematician of the Day from each class. Read below all about the super maths work our mathematicians engaged in! The Mathematician of the Day in Bluebell Class was Aila! During our maths carpet warm-up, Aila was able to use a variety of methods to answer … Read More

Curriculum Corner

In Reception this week, our activities have been based on the story of ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’, which tells the tale of a little boy who, at the beginning, will only eat chips, and by the end, discovers that he loves vegetables! In Literacy, we have been using adjectives to describe some of the vegetables from the … Read More

Headteacher Awards

The Headteacher Award in Buttercup Class goes to a new pupil, Anzish! Anzish has settled in so well within her new class and is already working very hard across all areas of learning. Huge welcome and well done to Anzish! The Headteacher Award in Bluebell Class goes to Nina! This week, Nina received a Headteacher … Read More