Star Of The Week

Star Of The Week in Daisy Class is Emelia! Emelia is always a superb role model to her friends – she follows instructions, is always willing to help others and complete her activities in class with lots of enthusiasm. Emelia also works incredibly hard in Phonics and is always trying her best. Well done, Emelia! … Read More

Curriculum Corner

In Reception this half term, our topic is Tails and Whiskers. We have been looking at features of different types of animals and where they live. In Literacy we have been reading the story Six Dinner Sid. Sid is a cat who is addicted to having six meals a day and glories in this lifestyle. … Read More

Red Nose Day 2021

On Friday 19th March 2021, we celebrated Red Nose Day with a non-uniform day for all children and a special lunch menu! We were extremely impressed with the effort that went into all of the amazing red outfits, and also with the generosity shown by all of the children and their parents. We were able … Read More

Headteacher Awards

Arad from Bluebell Class received the Headteacher Award  for designing a beautiful frame to celebrate the Persian New Year, Nowruz. Arad shared his creation with his peers. We learned lots of interesting things about the springtime celebration. Thank you to Arad and his family! Ava-Isabella received the Headteacher Award in Buttercup Class this week for her … Read More

Star Of The Week

Star Of The Week in Daisy Class is Annabelle! Annabelle is always focussed and on task during our lessons, and is full of bright ideas she is happy to share with the class. Annabelle is also a good friend, and will always help her peers complete activities around the classroom. Well done, Annabelle! Star Of … Read More