Headteacher Awards

Anvi received a Headteacher Award for her excellent independent writing in Bluebell Class. Anvi used her ‘Fred Fingers’ to write a sentence about the Nativity story. Fabulous job, Anvi! In Y3, Poppy won the award for a fantastic piece of writing in literacy. The children have been writing instructions on ‘how to make a bottle … Read More

Star Of The Week

Star of the Week in Bluebell Class is Atilla! Atilla is a kind and caring pupil who always uses his lovely manners both inside and outside of the classroom. As well as this, Atilla has been working extremely hard in phonics to use his ‘Fred Fingers’ to write green words. Splendid job, Atilla! Star of … Read More

Admissions Consultation

Dear Parents/Carers,  Concordia Academy (the Academy), part of REAch2 Academy Trust (the Trust), are consulting on proposed variations to its admission arrangements for the September 2021 intake.  The consultation period will commence on 2 December 2019 and will end on 31 January 2020. The Trust is the ‘Admission Authority’ for all of its academies and … Read More

Y3 Trip to Romford Memorials

This week, Year 3 have been on a school trip to Romford to visit the local   memorials at St. Edwards Church and the Romford Cross. Jim Bolton, a local historian, spoke to the children about the World War 1 memorial plaque on the church walls, documenting some local soldiers who sadly lost their lives in … Read More

Star Of The Week

Star of the Week in Bluebell Class is Grace! Grace has excelled in her maths focus work this week, managing to name and recognise 3D shapes. As well as this, Grace has been working hard in phonics to ‘hold a sentence’ in her head and write it using her Fred Fingers. Keep up the fabulous … Read More