A visit from Kelly’s Donkeys 11B411

Year 1 completed one of their 11B411 promises “ride a large animal” with a visit from Kelly’s Donkeys! The children were really excited and very well behaved which meant our Reception children also had a chance to enjoy the visit

Star of the week 19.05.23

Star of the week 19.05.23 Our Star of the Week in Buttercup Class is Arvin! Arvin has been working on his communication skills and has used superb sentences to express himself in his written work. Also well done for the fantastic work you did in the construction area building your models with different materials. Keep … Read More

Headteacher Award 19.05.23

Headteacher Award 19.05.23 The Headteacher Award in Bluebell Class is awarded to Royyan. He has been working carefully at home to improve his writing. He came into school with a story all about a lost puppy and cat that he had written at home all by himself. Royyan’s commitment to his own learning is commendable … Read More

Star of the week 05.05.23

Star of the week 05.05.23 The Star of the Week in Buttercup Class has been awarded to Ayla! We have been learning about the King’s Coronation and Ayla has taken a keen interest in learning about the role of the King and why he has a Coronation. Ayla then went into the writing area to … Read More


One of our year 3 pupils, Varshyth, recently took part in some chess tournaments that happened around London this month. We are extremely proud to say that he finished first in the 46th Maidenhead Junior Chess Congress and also finished second in the 6th Desert Penguin Junior Chess championships yesterday. Varshyth joined Concordia Academy in … Read More